Compensation for Egg Donors

Egg Donor Compensation

Successful egg donors are awarded $10,000 in compensation for their time and effort throughout the donation process. Following each egg donation cycle, egg donors will receive a 1099 tax form from the Fertility Center in order to report this $10,000 income to the Internal Revenue Service.

Egg Donation Retrieval

The stimulation process spans about 14-days and includes bloodwork and ultrasounds to monitor your ovaries and hormone levels. When ready for removal, you will be given sedation while the eggs are retrieved during a 10-20 minute surgical procedure.

  • Inclusive of genetic, physical, and mental health testing necessary for donation.

  • Inclusive of all medications needed for the egg retrieval procedure.

  • Egg donors receive generous compensation for their time and effort. 

Apply Now to Become an Egg Donor

Donor Application